ስዉእ ተዛሪቡ

’ስዉእ ተዛሪቡ’ ዘርእስታ ፍሊም ንመጀመርታ ግዜ ኣብ ኦክላንድ ክትርኤ ስለ ዝኮነት ኩሉና ንሰንበት ግንቦት 11 (May 11th) ካብ ሰዓት 3 – 5 ቆጸራና ኣብ 474 24th St. Oakland 94612 ይኩን።

The Bay Area Eritreans for Democratic Change cordially invites you to the screening of the new film ’Sewue Tezaribu’ from the great Eritrean artist, writer and director Fuad Alamin. The movie encompasses shortly the struggle for liberation and its promise and the current sufferings of our people. The film represents the new level our all inclusive struggle for justice in Eritrea has reached. Artists, academics, professionals, the elderly the youth including our diaspora born children are fighting pfdj in their own way and this film is a significant addition to that struggle. On Sunday May the 11th we will be gathered together to watch the film as sign of our solidarity with those behind the project. This is a great community event, where we will all pull together for a great cause. Tickets are priced at $20.00, including a free DVD (additional DVDs can be purchased separately). Please come and bring your friends and family, let us support the struggle for justice by supporting Eritrean artists to fight back through their powerful art. All proceeds will go to forthcoming projects of the Eritrean artists in exile.

Please check out our new Facebook page: www.facebook.com/bayareaedc. You can also visit it via www.bayareaedc.org (currently pointing to our Facebook page).

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