At the end of the evacuation asylum seekers have declared a hunger strike

Hundreds of asylum seekers evicted Colombians established by the woods near the community of Nitzan Negev in violent confrontations with the police. UNHCR expressed concern about the operation of power. ”Action indicates desperation”

Hundreds of asylum seekers were evacuated yesterday (Sunday) in violent clashes with police, erected tents in the woods near the community of Nitzan. The police took some force to the bus, and reported that some of the asylum seekers were throwing stones at police. At the end of the evacuation asylum seekers were taken to prison in the Negev crescents. Shortly thereafter, declared that asylum seekers begin hunger strike.

Protesters called on UNHCR to intervene in the situation and ensure the provision of rights as asylum seekers. ”Cops here use a lot of force and violence,” said one asylum seekers Walla News during the evacuation. ”Now they take a woman by force, the situation here is not good. They played for two buses and now they continue to take us by force. ”

UNHCR yesterday released an unusual statement, which expressed concern the use of force against asylum seekers. ”UNHCR calls on the government and especially the Minister of Interior, Minister of Public Security and the Minister of Defense to avoid using force, and make an effort to create a dialogue with the protesting asylum seekers” stated, ”this asylum seekers adopted indicates hopelessness and despair they feel as a result of separation from the community and their transfer to the sands for an indefinite period.”

Commission also called on the government to revisit its policy toward asylum seekers, improve their conditions at the facility sands, although devices are defined as open, but according operates and is managed detention facility, any person entitled to international protection should not be held in the coercion, as well as check their asylum request within reasonable period of time.

On Friday left about 700 asylum seekers from the facility ”sands” in the Negev where they stayed, protest march towards the border with Egypt to protest the conditions of their maintenance. Way IDF forces arrested them claiming that if they keep the border are threatened. They refused to return to the facility stay even though the law requires them to do so, and took two nights in the woods near the community of Nitzan. ”We do not intend to return to the facility, to Blue,” they said at the time march. ”the place is a prison, you are not free, there is no health care, and we can not return to this facility.”



ሓወይ ኣበይ ኣሎ!!!!!!!!

ሓወይ ኣበይ ኣሎ!!!!!!!!
ንዓይ ጠፊኡኒ ኣሎ!!!
ሓፍተይ ኣበይ ኣላ!
ጠፊኣትኒ ተሸሪባላ!!!

ኣበይ ኣሎ ሓወይ!!!!! ኣንታ ንገሩኒ!!!
ኣበይ ኣላ! እዛ! ሓፍተይ በጃኹም ኣዳልዩኒ!!!
እዚ ሓውይ እዚ ምቃል ጎነይ
እዛ ሓፍተይ እዛ ጽላል ዓይነይ!!!
ብጀካኣ!! ኣባዲ ዘይብለይ!!!!
ትራኣየኒ ኣብዛ!! ቕድሚ ዓይነይ።

እንኪ ዓቢ ዘራይ ዝኾነነልይ
እንኪ ዘልል ኣጆኻ ዝብለለይ
ኣበይ ከደ እዚ ሓወይ ናተይ
ጠፊኡኒ ሓወይ ድለዩለይ
ጸገመይ! ሕሰመይ!! ሕዝቢ! ፍለጠለይ።

እዚ ሓወይ ዓቢ ናይ ገዛና
ኣቐዲሙ ከይዱ ራሕሪሑና
ኢሎምኒ! ከይዱ ነጻነት ከምጽኣልና
ኣይተመልሰን ቁሪ ኣእትዩልና
ምስከደሞ ምዓስሞ ጥዒሙና።

እታ ሓፍተይ ዝነበረት ጎርዞ
ንመርዓኣ እናተባህለ!!! ኣምጻኣዮ! ሓዞ ሓዞ!!!
ንበረኻ ከደት ወሰኸትሉ ንቓልሲ ጉዕዞ
ንስድራ ኮነ! ንዓድና ኣፍዘዞ
ነጻነት መጺኡ! ተፈጸመ ሃገራዊ ጉዕዞ።

ገረመኒ እቶም ዘይተመልሱ
ፈቐድኡ ሓሊፎ ጎቦ እናጠሓሱ
ዓስቢ ዘይርክርቦ ንብላሽ ፈለሱ
ወልዲ ስዉኣት ምንም ዘይተኻሕሱ
ኣብ ክንዲ ደበሶም ሰዓቡ ዝነኣሱ
ቅዱምን ድሑርን ኣሕዋተይ ዘይተመልሱ
ወዶም!! ጟሎም!! ዱር ዝጣሕሰሱ
በብሓደ ገዛና ፈሪሱ ።

ዝተመልሰ ሓወይ!!! ኣሎ ኣብቲ ዒራዒሮ
ማእሰርቱሞ! ኣብ ዓለም ዘተይገበሮ
ብማእሰርቲ ደንዚዙ ኣጥፊኡ ኣእምሮ
ናህና ሓዘን ክንደይ ኢልካ ክትይቑጸሮ።

ከይዱ ሓወይ ዱር ቀሳቂሱ
ብመረብ ሰገረ ዉሕጅውን ጥሒሱ
ቀጸለ መገሻ! ብረሻይዳ ተሓቢሱ
ዶልር ብምስኣኑ ከብዱ ተፈሪሱ
ኣብ ኩርቢት ሲናይ!!! ኣሕዋተይ ፈለሱ
ንወለዲ መንከ ኢዩ ደቢሱ
ሓዘን ናይ ገዛና ደጊሙ ተሓዲሱ
ወግሔ ጸብሔ ጸሊም ናብራ ንሱ!!!!
ዉላድ የለን ንንብዕት ዝሕብሱ።

ሓወይ ከይዱ ሰሃራ ሰጊሩ
ልብያ ኣትዩ ኣብኡ ተኣሲሩ
ብኽንደይ መከራ ኤውርጳ ተሳጊሩ
ናብራ ስደት ከርተዩ ሓዳሩ
እቲ ሓደ ኣብ ባሕሪ ሓዲሩ
ሓወይ ጠፊኡኒ! ዓሳከ!!!! ተደረሩ።

ዝተረፈ ኣይተቐብረን! ኣብ ሳዱቕ’ዩ ገና
ንዘይፈለጠ ኣብ ላምፓዱሱ ኢልኩም ንገሩልና
ኣይረኸበን ባይታ ናይ ሃገርና
ኣሕዋተይ ኮይኑ መቕብሮም ኣብ ጋህሲና።

ተሓቲተ ብናይ ሎሚ ሃዋርያት!!!!!!!!
ምስ ጨነቖም ናይ ሓወይ ኩነታት!!!!!
ኣበይ ኣትዩ ሓውካ??? ዚኹሉ ዓመታት?????
ሓቢኤዮ ንኸይዛረብ እዝኹሉ ዘበናት
ናይ ሓወይ ሓቢኤ!!ሳዕሲዔ ንብዙሕ መዓልታት!!!
ገልን ከይገብር!!! ንበይነይ ኣብዛ ብኽያት
ይኣኽለኒ! ተሓቲተ!! ክድሕድሖ እቲ ኣውያት!!!
ክወጽእ ንደገ! ኬኢዊ ኣብ ቕርዓት
ዓቢ ምስ ንእሽቶ ኩሉኹም ኣቦታት!!
ተሰዊሩ ሓወይ!!! ድለዩ ፈቀዶ ዓድታት!!!
ሲኢነዮ ሓወይ ንነዊሕ ዓመታት።

“ሓውኻ ዘይብሉ ኣይዓድኻን!!!!!!!!
ዓርክኻ ዘይብሉ ኣይጟይላኻን
ላሕምኻ ዘይብሉ ኣይደምበኻን
ጥሻኻ ዘይብሉ ኣይ ዓድኻን
ብሕጊ ዘይምራሕ ኣይስርዓትካን
ኣጽቂጥካ ምንባር ኣይጸንሓካን
ድለዮ! ንሓውኻ ኣብ ዓድን! ኣብ በረኻን!
ኣማኒ ካብ ኮንካ! ጥልመት ኣይናትካን
ዓደቦና ኮይና ወላድ መኻን”።

እቲ ሰይጥን! ሓወይ!! ሃገርና ኣንዲዱ!!!!!
ዝነገሰ ሓወይ!! እምብዛ ዓቢዱ
በርኻ ምስከደ ብዙሕ እዩ ሰዊዱ
ተቐይሩ እምብዛ መንጉዱ
ዓድና ኣብረሶ! ኣሲሩ ቐፊዱ
ሕጊ ንኸይገብር! እምቢሉ ሓንጊዱ
ኣጥመየና ክንመውት ኣፍቂዱ
ንዝሓትት ሓንቂቕካ! እናበለ ኣቢዱ
ዓለም ገሪምዋ ናይዚ ጭካነስ ገዲዱ
ንሕስያ ዘይብሉ ንህዝቢ ኣንዲዱ
ንመንእሰይ ኣብ ሓዊ ኣጚዱ
ህዝብና ኣደንቖሮ ብጓይላ ኣዕቢዱ
ክነብር ኣብ ከርተት ንስደት ኣስዲዱ
ኣብ ዓዲ ዝነብር! ብፍርሒ ቐይዱ
ሃገርና ኣጽነታ ጋንየን ተወሊዱ።

ዉድቀት ንማፍያ ህግደፍ
ዓወት ንደለይቲ ፍትሒ!!!!!
ሃይለ ገብረትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና 29 ሰነ 2014





African migrants protest living conditions in Israel

A large number of African immigrants in Israel have staged a protest rally near the Egyptian border to voice their dissatisfaction with living conditions in their internment camp.

On Friday, around 1,000 African immigrants, mostly Eritrean and Sudanese nationals, took part in the protest rally to condemn what they called “inhuman and unlimited” detention in the Holot internment camp.

The demonstrators also called on the international community and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to facilitate their immigration to a third country.

Some 2,300 immigrants reside in Holot. The protesters say the place is “actually a prison” although Israeli officials try to present it as an “open facility.”

In December 2013, the Israeli parliament approved a law, allowing officials to keep African migrant workers in detention facilities without trial for one year.

The law also gives Tel Aviv the right to send “illegal immigrants” to complexes called “open facilities” until they are deported or voluntarily go back to their homelands. Migrants kept in the open facilities will have no right to work.

In January, the UNHCR said Israel’s new immigration rules could breach the international law as they enable the indefinite detention of asylum seekers.

Human Rights Watch has also blamed Tel Aviv for using the “threat of prolonged detention” to force the African migrants to give up their asylum claims.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described the African immigrants as “illegal infiltrators flooding” Israel and threatening the security of Israel

More than 50,000 African immigrants, mostly from Sudan and Eritrea, currently work in low-paying jobs in Israel.





Eritrea shall be examined for human rights violations

UN Human Rights Council should do a study on human rights in Eritrea, similar to the surveys conducted around Syria, North Korea and Sri Lanka.

It condemned what they said was massive and systematic violations that the Eritrean government was behind, among other things, it is about arbitrary executions, journalists being imprisoned and the people trying to cross the border shot dead.

Yusuf Mohamed Ismail who is ambassador to Somalia and the underlying requirement of the investigation said the UN Council to violations of human rights in Eritrea is unparalleled and that Eritrea is one of the worst examples in terms of human rights.

UN Human Rights Council consists of 47 countries. The Council decided on the investigation without a vote, but China, Pakistan, Venezuela and Russia said they had reservations, but they did not try to block the investigation.

UN special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea, Sheila B. Keetharuth said in a report to the Council to conscription in Eritrea could lead to forced labor for an indefinite period. People who resist can be executed on the spot.

Because of this, Eritrea is the country with the highest number of people fleeing across the Mediterranean to Europe.

Eritrea has refused to cooperate with Keetharuth and deny that they have committed crimes against humanity.

Eritrea’s representative at the meeting said that Keetharuths report was biased and unfounded and Eritrea rejected entirely the call to start an investigation. Eritrea’s representative argued that the fictional image of Eritrea had become the basis for a false crisis and blamed its neighbor Ethiopia.

He also said that it is obvious that the investigation was part of Ethiopia’s attempt to enforce UN sanctions against Eritrea. The investigation will be done by Sheila B. Keetharuth and two experts from Africa and Europe.

ኣብ እስራኤል ሖሎት ኣብ ዝተባህለ ክፉት ቤትማኣሰርቲ ኣስታት 1200 ኤርትራውያንን ሱዳናውያንን ስደተኛታት፣ ፍሉይ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ናብ ዶብ እስራኢልን ግብጽን የካይዱ ኣለዉ

ኣብ እስራኤል ሖሎት ኣብ ዝተባህለ ክፉት ቤትማኣሰርቲ ኣስታት 1200 ኤርትራውያንን ሱዳናውያንን ስደተኛታት፣ ፍሉይ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ናብ ዶብ እስራኢልን ግብጽን የካይዱ ኣለዉ።

ናይ እግሪ ጉዕዞ ንልዕሊ ሰዓትን ፈረቓን ብምድረበዳ ተጓዒዞም ናብ ዶብ እስራኢልን ግብጽን ገማግም ሲናይ ብምምራሽ እቲ ተጻዒኑዎም ዘሎ ማእሰርቲ ክለዓለሎም ብዓቢኡ ድማ ከም ስደተኛታት ተሓሪሙዎም ዘሎ ናይ ዑቕባ መሰል ክሕለወሎም ዝጽውዕ ፍሉይ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ እዩ ዘካይድዎ ዘለዉ።

እቶም እሱራት ኣቐዲሞም ኣብ ውሽጢ ቀጽሪ ሖሎት ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ምክያድ ምጽንሖም፣ ነቲ መዓልታዊ ንሰለስተ ግዜ ዝካየደሎም ቁጽጽርን ወይ ፎልዮንን ካልእ ኣተሓሕዛን እቲ ቤት ማእሰርትን ንምቅዋም ዝገበርዎ ኣቐዲሙ ይፍለጥ።

ሓያሎ ተጣበቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ትካላት ግብረ ሰናይን’ውን ጎን ጎኖም እናተጓዕዛ ንኩነታቶም ይከታተላ ምህላወ ተፈሊጡሎ። መንግስቲ እስራኤል ብወትሃደራት እናዓጀበ ኩነታቶም ክከታተሎ እኳ እንተጸንሐ፣ ናብ ሲናይ ከይኣትዉ ክኽልክሎም ጀሚሩ ኣሎ። ዶብ ግብጽን እስራኤል ዝበጽሑ ስደተኛታት ናብ ሲናይ ገጾም ክቑርጹ መደብ ኳ እንተነበሮም፣ ወተሃደራት እስራኤል ግን ዓጊቶም 300 ሜትር ንድሕሪት ተመሊሶም ክስለፉ ከምዝሓበሩዎም ይሕበር።