The Eritrean children migrating to Europe alone

A group of illegal emigrants are detained after Libyan coast guards caught them attempting to flee the coast to Europe, in Zawia, west of Tripoli, May 12, 2014. REUTERS/Ismail Zitouny (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST SOCIETY IMMIGRATION CRIME LAW)Children as young as seven are leaving their homes in Africa to travel thousands of miles alone, across land and sea, to Europe.

More lone children than ever before are attempting the route, some sent by their parents who do not want them to grow up in repressive countries.

One of the busiest and most dangerous routes begins in Eritrea, where they cross the border into Sudan.

Paul Kenyon visited one of the first stepping stones on this route, Shagarab refugee camp in Sudan.

Monday 23 February, 20:30 GMT, BBC One

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