Festival Eritrea. invested protester

Bologna, July 5 – Moments of tension this morning during the coverage of the Democratic Coordination Eritrea and outside the North Park protest against the festival organized by the Eritrean community in collaboration with the government in Asmara. After a morning of tension and negotiations between the protesters and the police, just before 13, the situation is precipitated. A car with three people on board, tried to cross the garrison hitting the ground and end up doing a maniferstante. Under the eyes of the police officers who have been slow to understand what was happening, protesters have begun to hit the car with sticks and stones, to break through the rear window.

Officers in riot intervened protecting the escape of the car in reverse, has returned to the camping area of North Park. The wounded man was taken to hospital by the health of 118.

Throughout the morning the situation at the gate of North Park was rather tense. The demonstrators arrived in force (over a hundred) from all over Europe, they wanted to repeat what was done yesterday, speaking through the sound system mounted on a truck with the ”brothers” who were participating in the festival. ”The commissioner has banned the use of the system” repeated throughout the morning officials Piazza Galileo. Unnecessary attempts at mediation councilor Amelia Frascaroli.

After the incidents Siid Negash, a spokesman for the coordination, has convinced the protesters to move in procession to the city center where at 17, Piazza Maggiore, the event will be held in which democratic Eritrea wants to explain to the Bolognese ”What now become Eritrea. ”The protesters also denounced two activists of the Democratic Coordination Eritrea attacked in the night. ”They were agents of the security of the Festival of Eritrea,” they say. And ’complaint was filed.

Eritrea democratica: “Non ballate sui morti di Lampedusa”

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