Festival Eritrea, is chaos for the approval of the City: ”Advertising a dictatorship”
That Mess Eritrean festival. Do not calm down the protests around the big international event Eritrea Bologna Festival to be held in Bologna 4 to 6 July 2014. Accomplice error of form and substance councilor welfare of Bologna, Amelia Frascaroli, that a few months ago the approval granted to the event, forgetting the many complaints of the international organizations that have recognized the authoritarian system in place in Eritrea which limits the political freedom of the press, and has informally suspended elections for 20 years (unofficial estimates recorded 10 thousand political prisoners and 360 dungeons ed.) ”The historical and cultural confusion in Italy is so great, is among the parties that the institutions,” says the fattoquotidiano.it Dania Avallone Coordination of Democratic Eritrea, ”not even on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be noted the dictatorial system of the Eritrean government of Isaias Afewerki.”
The Avallone, biologist, from ’93 to 2001 to work for the ministry of marine resources Eritrean – ”with local minimum wage,” says – Principals will participate in the non-violent and counter-information that the association Asper held in Bologna in conjunction with the Festival ”organized – as they say the protesters – directly from the regime in Asmara to make propaganda.” More than ten thousand people are expected to Parco Nord in Bologna on the weekend to follow the four stages of the event offending with live music, meetings and celebrations, officially, the 40th anniversary of the Eritrean festival that was held in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna in 1974. other times and other roles and historical meanings: beyond the Eritrean war of Independence against the neighboring Ethiopians, here’s devotion to the leader Isaias Afewerki, the protagonist of the articulated and long socialist revolution in his country during the eighties and the 1993 undisputed leader of government no longer inconsistent. ”We tried not to make this festival – said Siid Negash always Coordination of Democratic Erirtrea – now with our presence outside North Park with a garrison for the entire duration of the event and with a public seminar on the chairs of the Cinema Under the stars in Piazza Maggiore in the afternoon of July 5, we want to say to our countrymen peacefully that you may be out by the regime and express what you think.
With us, there will also be consuls and ambassadors who have long since abandoned the scheme, which unfortunately will be held in Bologna. ”Yes, because the mess has a certain lightness combined with historical and political welfare Frascaroli the commissioner, former Sel now the Democratic Party: ”We thought it was a normal local festival of the Eritrean community in Bologna, for it had given the green light”; even if the embarrassment was immediately turned into dissociation, at least symbolically, ”Now no longer have the patronage and even aid economic or logistical.” Difficult for the junta Merola retrace their steps in view of the massive machine logistics put in place by the organization of FestivalBolognaEritrea that between the performance of dozens of artists coming directly from the country of the Horn of Africa, will also have a direct bearing on the TV Asmara and President Isaias Afewerki. ”Saturday afternoon in the square show the video of the journalist Fabrizio Gatti where we talk about everything going wrong with Eritrea,” it said Avallone, ”Italy has awakened the case just in front of dozens of Eritrean refugees died at sea in Lampedusa. ”The appearance, however, that the Italian political parties do not understand – she explains – ”is the dramatic situation of the members of the so-called ’diaspora’ of Eritrea. Let’s talk about two million people across Europe and in Italy for two types of migration: wealthy families came from Eritrea via many years ago with young graduates who organize events like those of Bologna and recent refugee children and young people with nothing, angry and traumatized . In addition there is the formal support of the embassy that in the document sent to the Ministry of the Interior has defined a gang of troublemakers terrorists. ”