15 Eritrean soldiers with their weapons escapes to Yemen for asylum

Sana (DIPLOMAT.SO)- According to the reports from some Eritrea and Yemen websites , that 15 soldiers of Eritrean army arrived on board a fishing boat to port in Yemen, fleeing from military service.

the Sources added , that the soldiers arrived this week safely to the fishing port of Salif Directorate, west of Hodeidah city without objection from the Eritrean Coast Guard.

Yemeni fishermen refused to reveal their names said that among Eritrean soldiers who arrived at the port in Yemen, a senior officer in the army.

Yemeni fishermen noted that Eritrean soldiers were dressed in civilian clothes and handed over their weapons and ammunition, which they hide in a wooden box to the Yemeni security authorities.

It is worth mentioning , that the soldiers who arrived to Hodeidah is the second of its kind, after fled 12 soldiers last August from the army and entered to the port of Salif ,demanding political asylum to live in peace and tranquility.

By: Diplomat

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