The odyssey to reach Europe from crossing the Sahara Eritrea and Libya

The Eritreans were in 2014 the second most asylum applications filed in the European Union
The NGO Save the Children spoke last week with two Eritreans who are currently in a house with 86 other immigrants in Tripoli waiting to take a boat

Eritrea is a small country in North Africa less than five million. Overall, the country’s ruling with an iron fist since 1991 Isaias Afewerki just attracts major media headlines but the truth is that its citizens were in 2014 the second most asylum applications filed in the European Union.

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  1. Mahmoud Reply

    It is with shock and deep sadness that I just found out about Moses’s panissg. Even though a whole year has passed since his panissg I just found out about it. Moses was a great healer who has helped me and a lot of people I know. He was a compassionate healer who gave hope to others. I just wish something could have been done for him. But maybe he just came for a short time to touch those he needed to touch.

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