Criticized Danish Eritrea-report in use in the UK

It criticized Eritrea-report was rejected by the Immigration Service, but now it is used in the UK.

The criticism of the Danish Eritrea-report was violent, but now the UK authorities have just published two new guides heavily inspired by the controversial report by the Danish Immigration Service.

Denmark helps to paint a misleading picture of Eritrea, which ultimately can establish a trend in which Europe sends thousands of Eritrean asylum seekers back to the dictatorship, they fled.

How is the criticism from international experts, writes Berlingske.

Report mentioned 48 times

The British Standards, the Danish report’s conclusions as basic structure, and the report mentioned at least 48 times in the two reports.

– The Danish conclusions circulating in the international public, and they are used as source basis to verify claims in fact not at all evidence says Kjetil Tronvoll, Norwegian professor and renowned for his knowledge of Eritrea, told the newspaper.

The two British reports are instructions on how asylum cases from Eritrea to be treated. They are about defining the Eritrean national service, which according to the UN is unspecified slave labor and associated with abuse.

Tightening off the table

By downplaying the consequences of illegal exit and evasion of military service, the UK authorities with a snap cutting off most of the massive influx of refugees, it said.

The Danish report was originally the basis for a new, tighter policies towards refugees from Eritrea, but after intense international criticism of the report, and after two key officials denounced it, was tightening off the table.

Immigration has read the British reports and state that they are part of the basis for asylum case. Today is as good as all candidates Eritrean asylum in Denmark.

Justice Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) did not wish to comment to Berlingske.

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